Siamsa Tire

Siamsa Tire is one of the busiest theatres and arts centres in the country. As home to the National Folk Theatre, they present five months of folk theatre productions from our repertoire between May and September. They also train young people in the traditional arts, produce new work and tour internationally throughout the rest of the year.

From October to April, Siamsa Tíre hosts a wide range of events, including touring drama, classical music, comedy, dance and opera along with productions by local groups and musical societies. Their gallery spaces display the work of artists from Ireland and abroad as well as complementing the work of the National Folk Theatre during its repertory season.

The theatre is situated in Tralee Town Park behind the Museum. It is a 5 minute walk from The Grand Hotel.


Siamsa, pronounced “Shee-am-sa”, comes from the Irish language. The word itself expresses mirth and music, Tíre means ‘of the land’. At the heart of Siamsa Tíre lies a professional core group of full-time players supported by selected artists drawn from the local community but trained in the unique Siamsa style and idiom. Full-time and community performers, who have completed the company’s training scheme, integrate and blend into a dedicated and talented team.

Following the move to its custom built premises in 1991 the company embraced the role of operating an Arts Centre. Now, in addition to its remit as the National Folk Theatre, Siamsa Tíre also hosts a wide variety of events throughout the year. Contemporary drama, dance, classical music, comedy and literary events feature on a year round programme, as well as a vibrant visual arts line-up in the dedicated gallery spaces. Siamsa Tíre also hosts activities by local groups, arts organisations, and festivals.
For more information or booking with Siamsa Tire visit